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Overcoming Pandemic Challenges

The Covid pandemic created new challenges to the way Hospice West Auckland delivered services to a community grappling with lock downs and ever-changing restrictions. Technology…
31 January 2023

Virtual Services

Although the ongoing shortfall in government funding combined with staff shortages saw the in-house Kowhai Suite beds close, Hospice West Auckland continued to embrace new…
31 January 2023


Hospice West Auckland continued to grow in response to the needs of the community, with a staff of 70+ employees and an active volunteer workforce…
13 June 2022

Lisa Roberts

Linda Cooper retired from her position as Chairperson with Lisa Roberts taking on the role.
13 June 2022

Sir John Key

At the end of 2012 Hospice West Auckland embarked on a new journey to build four specialist palliative care bedrooms at Hospice House on Te…
13 June 2022

More Recognition

In 2010 Beverly Revell received the Queen's Service Medal for Services to the Community.
13 June 2022

Continued Growth

Hospice West Auckland continued to grow, with a new fleet of sponsored cars and commercial vehicles arriving in 2009. Staffing increased and Hospice West Auckland…
13 June 2022

Linda Cooper

In 2007 Phillip Revell resigned from his position of Chair after twenty years of dedication to Hospice and was replaced by Linda Cooper.
13 June 2022

Sir Graeme Douglas

Business leader Sir Graeme Douglas, founder and head of Douglas Pharmaceuticals was welcomed as Patron. After being in the Business Manager role for two years, Barbara…
13 June 2022