Hospice West Auckland offers a wide range of services and resources to help care for and support patients and their whānau. We regularly host activities for patients and carers at Hospice House, 52 Beach Road, Te Atatū Peninsula, where you can connect with others, learn, ask questions or receive additional support.
See our upcoming events here.

They gave us the confidence to be able to care for her, and to have the privilege to keep her at home.
Social Support Services
Our comprehensive range of holistic care services support the psychological, social, emotional and spiritual needs of patients, whānau and carers. Click here to view the social care services available at Hospice West Auckland.
Home Care Resources
This is a useful collection of links to home care resources, with topics including Moving and Handling, Syringe Drivers, and Medication.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Resources
Resources and videos for patients and whānau.
Subcutaneous Line Insertion Resources
Helpful instructions, including a link to a step-by-step video, for insertion, removal and use of subcutaneous (beneath the skin) lines.
Translated Patient Resources
Poi Community of Care provides a number of patient/whānau resources translated into Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Chinese, Hindi, Korean and other languages. Topics include ‘What Is Palliative Care’ and ‘Hospice Care’.
Te Ipu Aronui
Te Ipu Aronui is designed to support Māori whānau (families) to provide care to adults and kaumātua (older people) at end of life, as well as take care of whānau at the same time. The aim is to support whānau who may have been unable to retain their traditional care customs due to the forces of colonialism and assimilation, as well as the influence of modern urban lifestyles.
Hospice Guide for Carers
Hospice New Zealand have designed a booklet for carers. This provides a clearer picture of the situation and answers some of the questions and issues that might come up as part of this journey.
Topics covered in the guide include being a caregiver, caring for a loved one, circles of support, home nursing tips and practical matters.
A Guide For Carers
Developed by the Ministry of Social Development, this is a comprehensive guide about the range of help available people caring for whānau or friends.
Click to view or download the resource.
Carers New Zealand
Carers New Zealand is a comprehensive hub of resources and information for carers who offer support to those who need it throughout New Zealand. You can download any of their free carer packs and guides, ask questions and find additional services and support.
CareSearch is a knowledge network for those directly affected by the need for palliative care. Here you can learn about end of life and what you can do for yourself or the person you are caring for.
Ending Life Well Carers Podcast
Practical and useful information on the challenges of caring for someone facing end of life. The interviews with experts in their fields discuss a wide variety of topics including Self Care, Managing Medications, Grief and Loss, and What To Expect at End of Life.
A useful national information service designed to help older people and their whānau navigate the health system, including how to get help at home, community services and rest homes.
Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, talking about, and planning for future health care and end of life care. It is about identifying what matters to you. Click below for information to help with preparing an end of life care plan tailored to your individual needs.
Enduring Power of Attorney
An enduring power of attorney (EPOA) is a legal document which sets out who can take care of your personal or financial matters if you can’t. This resource from the Justice Department explains why, when and how to set up enduring power of attorney.
A useful resource from the New Zealand Law Society that explains how and when to make a will.
What is it Like to Die?
Hospice New Zealand have created an animation to answer this question that Hospice staff are often asked.
Dying Matters
Talking about death and dying can be tough. This collection of resources from Hospice UK will help you, your whānau and friends to start the conversation.
Final Days of Life
Knowing that you or a loved one is close to dying can be exceptionally difficult for everyone involved. People often ask questions about how someone will die, and worry that they will not be able to cope or know what to do when the person they are caring for dies. Every person is different and it is very hard to give exact details of how someone will die. However, we can give you general information about what may happen and what you can do to support your loved one through their process of dying.
Skylight is a resource hub that supports people of all ages throughout New Zealand who are facing any kind of tough life situation, particularly specialising in grief, loss and trauma.
Kenzie’s Gift
Kenzie’s Gift supports the mental health of tamariki (children), mātātahi (young people) and families affected by serious illness or grief within the whānau. We do this by providing one-on-one therapy with registered mental health professionals, grief kits and an extensive online resource.
Additional Community Support
If you need additional support, there are many additional community services.
Hato Hone St John Waka Ora Health Shuttle for free transport to and from medical-based appointments 0800 9252 672
Grief Centre 0800 331 333 www.griefcentre.org.nz
Lifeline (24/7) 0800 543 354 or text 4357 www.lifeline.org.nz
Suicide Crisis Helpline (24/7) 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) www.lifeline.org.nz/services/suicide-crisis-helpline/
Depression Helpline (24/7) 0800 111 757 or text 4202 www.depression.org.nz
Samaritans 0800 726 666 www.samaritans.org.nz
Youthline (24/7) 0800 376 633 or text 234 www.youthline.co.nz
0800 WHATSUP (0800 942 8787) www.whatsup.co.nz
Healthline 0800 611 116
Mental Health Foundation www.mentalhealth.org.nz