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Supporting Patients, Whānau and Healthcare Providers

Hospice West Auckland is here to support patients and their whānau, carers, healthcare professionals and community providers with specialist palliative health and social support services. 

Our dedicated, experienced team of health and social care professionals offer practical, physical, emotional and spiritual care, supported by the wider Hospice team. Our services are available for residents aged 18 years and older in the greater West Auckland area, and are provided free of charge to patients and whānau. 

Depending on your circumstances and needs, the services we provide you can include:

  • Assistance with managing pain and symptoms
  • Medication expertise
  • Wellbeing and rehabilitation support
  • Assistance with navigating healthcare and support systems
  • Psychological, emotional, cultural and spiritual support
  • Advance Care Planning
  • Counselling, grief and bereavement support

For Patients & Families

For Health & Social Care Professionals

Poi Community of Care

Learning Opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I receive Hospice care?

  1. You can be referred to us by your GP/family doctor or medical specialist
  2. You can refer yourself or your family member to us below
Make a Referral

Is Hospice only for people with cancer?

No. Hospice West Auckland’s specialist palliative care is available for any adults facing end of life, regardless of their diagnosis.

Is Hospice just for older people?

No. Hospice West Auckland supports and cares for all adults aged 18 years and older.

How much does Hospice support cost?

Hospices are charitable organisations, partly funded by Te Whatu Ora and partly funded by donations. Our services are provided free of charge to patients and their whānau.

Can anyone in the community receive Hospice support?

Yes, our services are available for all eligible West Auckland residents aged 18 years and older who require specialist palliative care.

If I am cared for by Hospice do I stop seeing my GP/family doctor?

No, your GP/family doctor continues to be your primary healthcare provider. Hospice works with all of your healthcare providers, which can include GPs, pharmacists, district nurses and residential care providers to deliver wrap-around services for the best possible quality of care.

When is the right time to contact Hospice?

You can contact Hospice at any stage following diagnosis of a life-limiting illness with questions or for advice.

Is Hospice just for when people have given up hope?

Not at all. Hospice care and support enhances a person’s quality of life, enabling them to live every moment in whatever way is most important to them.

Can I receive Hospice support if I am in a residential care facility?

Yes, Hospice works together with residential care providers to ensure you have the best possible quality of care and support.

Does Hospice West Auckland provide equipment?

We have a range of equipment for short-term loan to people who are under our care. Equipment can be delivered or collected during normal working hours.   We will assist with referral to Te Whatu Ora/Waitakere Hospital for equipment that is needed on a longer-term basis, or items we do not supply such as hospital beds and mattresses. 

Can people be admitted into Hospice West Auckland for ongoing care?

Hospice care is provided wherever the patient calls home, including residential care facilities. If required, we can facilitate admission to one of two Harbour Hospice in-patient units in Takapuna or Red Beach. Admission to an in-patient unit is usually for around 7-10 days for uncontrolled symptoms or care in the final stages of life when care at home is no longer possible. Short-term respite of up to 7 days to give whānau or carers a break can be arranged on scheduled basis.

There are many ways to support Hospice West Auckland

Even a small donation or a few hours of your time can go a long way towards improving the quality of life of our patients

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