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You matter because you are

“You matter because you are. You matter to the last moment of your life. We will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully but to live until you die.”

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Hospice caregiver embracing elderly patient.

About Hospice West Auckland

Our Mission

We will walk with people and their whānau, delivering the best palliative care, where everyone matters.

Pokohiwi Ki Te Pokohiwi

Our Vision

Dignity, comfort, and choice through specialised palliative care for all


Our best for the West

Using our specialist skills and knowledge to deliver the best palliative care when and where needed

Your care, your choice

Providing personalised care that respects you as an individual and supports your whānau

Our Pillars

Partnering with our communities

Sharing experiences, learning and resources to inspire and collaborate with our communities

Thinking ahead

Leading innovation in palliative care to meet the current and future needs of our community


Fostering a workplace that values, empowers and supports our people

Kaitiaki Taonga

Ngākau Aroha

Our Values


Wairua Whakaute

Aronga Whānoke

Founded in 1986 as a registered charitable trust, Hospice West Auckland provides free specialist palliative care for West Aucklanders aged 18 years and over, and support for their whānau and caregivers. Our interdisciplinary team of healthcare and social care professionals includes doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, counsellors, social workers and specialist therapists who are passionate about providing comfort, dignity and compassion.

Our holistic approach cares for the physical, practical, emotional and spiritual needs of our patients, whānau and caregivers. Our services are provided free of charge, ensuring everyone receives the best care possible.